
National Policies

The Kingdom of Bahrain has been at the forefront of the development process, adopting policies and strategies to diversify its economy, improve the standard of living, and maintain a balance between economic, social, and environmental aspects. Since its adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the government linked its Government Plans the SDGs 2030. Furthermore, The establishment of the Ministry of Sustainable Development in June 2022 is a demonstration of the Kingdom's ongoing commitment to sustainable development and its efforts to achieve the SDGs in a coordinated and comprehensive manner.

The Economic Vision 2030 which was launched in October 2008 by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is a comprehensive economic vision for Bahrain, providing a clear direction for the continued development of the Kingdom’s economy and, at its heart, is a shared goal of building a better life for every Bahraini.

In October 2021,under the leadership of His Majesty the King and the directive of His RoyalHighness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, the Kingdom of Bahrain launchedits Economic Recovery Plan, which aims to support the post COVID-19 recoveryand to enhance long-term economic competitiveness, in line with the BahrainEconomic Vision 2030.

The multi-year planconsist of 27 initiatives, under 5 pillars: creating quality jobs for citizento make them the ‘Employee of Choice’ in the labour market; simplifying andincreasing the efficiency of commercial procedures; launching major strategicprojects; developing strategic priority sectors; and achieving fiscalsustainability and economic stability.

The Government plan (2023-2026) will focus on the achievements of the Kingdom and its people in the light of the Fiscal Balance Program that aims at creating a balance between public expenditure and revenues to achieve economic growth, financial stability, and sustainable development. The Government Action Plan was developed in line with main pillars, policies, and initiatives desired to be achieved during the coming four years to maintain security and stability and to provide necessary services to the citizen. This will be reached through building on the current gains, avoiding any future burdens on citizens, and improving living conditions to enhance citizen-driven development.

The Government plan (2019-2022) focused on the achievements of the Kingdom and its people in the light of the Fiscal Balance Program that aims at creating a balance between public expenditure and revenues to achieve economic growth, financial stability, and sustainable development. The Government Action Plan was developed in line with main pillars, policies, and initiatives desired to be achieved during the coming four years to maintain security and stability and to provide necessary services to the citizen. This was reached through building on the current gains, avoiding any future burdens on citizens, and improving living conditions to enhance citizen-driven development.

The Government Plan reflects the strategic priorities of the Bahraini government with a focus on delivering sustainable change in line with the reform project of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain. Built upon the principles of Sustainability, Transparency, Justice, and Competitiveness, the Government Action Plan aimed at capitalizing on the Kingdom’s resources and capabilities to meet the needs of all Bahrainis.

Bahrain’s Council of Representatives has been granted the full authority to review and approve the four-year plan including the overall development agenda, fiscal budget, and yearly closing accounts. Although the governance system in Bahrain is remarked with the separation of legislative, executive and judicial authorities, the Kingdom is blessed with the cooperative relationship between the legislative and executive branches to build a better future for Bahrain. The full authority given to the Council of Representative is one of the main outcomes of the National Dialogue and the Constitutional Amendments in 2012.

The Council suggested 52 recommendations, which have been approved by the Bahrain Government Subsequently and incorporated into the Government Action Plan.

The Government Forum is a vital platform that brings together all segments of the government to exchange views on public policies and programs to continue improving the efficiency of the public sector. These initiatives are aimed at enhancing government efficiency in line with the reform directions issued by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of Bahrain.
The Government Forum aimed at delivering a modern and dynamic public sector that can facilitate long-term prosperity, meet citizens’ needs and aspirations, and achieve sustainable development. Government Forum outcomes are the main pillars of the Government Action plan, which will serve the country for the coming years.
The forum is held under the patronage of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

The policy highlights the commitment of the Government of Bahrain to focus on the enablement of traditional participation methods and strengthening social media channels, as well as transformative leapfrogging towards new electronic methods of engagement with the Constituents.

This policy highlights the commitment of Government of Bahrain towards the publication and usage of Government data to increase the accessibility and easier sharing of non-sensitive data for commercial as well as societal transformation.

Page Last Updated: 25 February, 2025