His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa ratified andissued Law (14) of 2024 amending Article IV of Law (57) of 2006 on theestablishment of the Labour Fund, following approval by the Shura Council andthe Council of Representatives.
The law aims to increase employment opportunities forBahraini citizens by limiting the Labour Fund's support to Bahraini-ownedenterprises and improving the skills, productivity, and competitiveness ofBahraini workers.
Article I
Paragraph (A) of Article IV of Law (57) of 2006 shall bereplaced with the following text:
(A) The Fund shall undertake all necessary tasks and powersto achieve its objectives, including but not limited to:
1- Providing and supporting programmes to train and qualifyBahraini workers to enhance their skills, productivity, and competitiveness inthe labour market.
2- Increasing the comparative advantage of Bahraini workersover expatriate workers.
3- Providing and supporting social programmes and projects relatedto the development and enhancement of the labour market.
4- Contributing to removing obstacles limiting women'sparticipation in the workforce.
5- Supporting and providing programmes to enhance theprivate sector's capacity to boost economic activity in the Kingdom.
6- Offering interest-free loans to citizens in compliancewith Islamic Sharia to establish and fund small and medium enterprises.
7- Supporting and funding projects where Bahrainis ownshares or stakes, especially those contributing to increased employment ofBahrainis, focusing on projects with added economic value.
8- Supporting and offering financial and advisory servicesto companies and establishments with Bahraini ownership to enhance theefficiency and productivity of their workers.
9- Supporting and providing programmes to enable employersin Bahraini-owned companies and establishments to align with labour marketdevelopment plans and programmes.
10- Supporting research and studies in the Fund’s fields ofwork and encouraging the utilisation of their results.
11- Acquiring movable and immovable assets, managing andinvesting the Fund’s resources, executing contracts, and undertaking allactions necessary to achieve its objectives, in compliance with Islamic Sharia.
Support outlined in clauses 7, 8, and 9 may be extended toprojects, companies, and establishments not covered by these provisions,according to regulations issued by the Board of Directors. These regulationsshall consider Bahraini employment rates, investment volume, and the economicimpact of such projects, companies, and establishments.
Article II
The Prime Minister and the relevant ministers shallimplement this law, which shall take effect the day following its publicationin the Official Gazette.