The Supreme Council for Environment (SCE) held the"Youth Water Sustainability Forum", aimed at raising environmentalawareness among Bahraini youth and to highlight the importance of waterresource sustainability.
The forum is part of the broader "SustainableWater" campaign, launched by the SCE under the theme 'Every Drop Has aStory' campaign in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programmeand various government and private entities, as well as civil societyorganisations. The forum aimed to provide a platform for discussion betweenexperts, officials, and the younger generation, highlighting the crucial roleof youth in achieving Bahrain's sustainable development goals.
Speaking at the forum, Amna Hamad Al Rumaihi, Directorof Communication and Environmental Awareness Directorate at SCE, stressed thesignificance of youth involvement in national efforts to protect naturalresources and safeguard Bahrain's water supply. She commended Bahraini youthfor their contributions to the Kingdom's development and progress.
She added that the national campaign promotes environmentalawareness and encourages both individuals and organisations to adoptwater-saving practices that align with sustainability principles. The campaignalso seeks to inspire innovation and creative solutions for water recycling,contributing to broader sustainability objectives.