
Industry Ministry grants 30 factories "Green Factory Seal"

SDGs Bahrain News
Industry Ministry grants 30 factories "Green Factory Seal"

Abdulla bin Adel Fakhro, Minister of Industry and Commerce,awarded 30 factories the "Green Factory Seal", as part of Bahrain’sefforts to promote advanced and sustainable industry to achieve the vision ofthe Industrial Sector Strategy (2022-2026), in an aim to spread the culture ofsustainability and apply the concepts of circular carbon economy in addition toenvironmental and social governance.


The minister emphasised that granting the "GreenFactory Seal" represents an important stage in the Kingdom’s journeytowards achieving industrial sustainability, noting that the leading factoriesjoining this initiative represent a role model in adhering to internationalenvironmental standards.


Minister Fakhro said that the Ministry of Industry andCommerce is committed to supporting factories in adopting environmental governancepolicies by offering incentives to boost their local and regionalcompetitiveness. He urged all industrial establishments to join this initiativeto achieve national environmental and economic sustainability goals.


The Ministry of Industry and Commerce launched the GreenFactory Seal in support of the Kingdom's direction in achieving sustainabilityat various levels and in line with the Bahrain Blueprint National Action Planto reach carbon neutrality by 2060, in conjunction with the Kingdom's participationin the work of the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 28, which washeld late last year in the United Arab Emirates. The "Green FactorySeal" aims to support the Kingdom’s commitment to achieving carbonneutrality by 2060, and encourage the industrial sector to adopt solar energysolutions, spread the culture of sustainability and green production, as wellas apply the concepts of circular carbon economy and environmental and socialgovernance, and achieve sustainable development goals related to responsibleproduction, and motivate factories to adopt the best technologies and systemsthat contribute to reducing their carbon footprint.


The Ministry of Industry and Commerce said that the (GreenFactory Seal) is granted to factories that achieve one of the standards basedon the most prominent regional and global practices in the field of sustainablemanufacturing, for factories that reuse 10% of their industrial waste in theirproduction processes or use 10% of renewable energy to operate their industrialfacility, or implement environmental and social governance policies, or havesystems to monitor air and environmental pollutant emissions or a system forcalculating greenhouse gases, or if they own a carbon capture unit.


As part of the partnership with the private sector, theMinistry of Industry and Commerce cooperated with a number of institutions toprovide incentives and benefits to factories holding the Seal, enabling them toachieve sustainability and easing their access to financing, or facilitatetheir exports.


In addition to building the capacity of individuals andestablishments in the field of environmental and social governance andproviding special prices by operators and manufacturers of alternative energysolutions, in cooperation with NBB, Export Bahrain, BIBF, and Solar OneFactory.