

National Reports

Kingdom of Bahrain has issued Reports showcasing the progress made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Millennium Development Goals, of which:

The Kingdom's second Voluntary National Review on Sustainable Development Goals 2030 builds upon the achievements and experiences outlined in the first VNR. The comprehensive report highlights Bahrain's continued progress in accelerating efforts towards achieving the SDGs and showcases its commitment to sustainable development.

Similar to Bahrain’s 2018 VNR, the preparation of the second VNR involved a consultative and participatory approach, engaging the Government sector, private sector, civil society and NGOs, academics, Youth, Women and the Legislative Authority. Through this inclusive process, the active participation of stakeholders has been key inproviding a holistic view of policies and initiatives aimed at achieving sustainable development.

The Kingdom’s first Voluntary National Review Report on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, which has been presented at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2018, showcases Bahrain’s progress in achieving and handling these goals based on its experience and expertise in achieving the Millennium Development Goals before 2015. The report also reveals the accomplishment level of goals and objectives enhanced by statistics, measures, and policies taken to sustain the development and well-being of the citizen.

The report is the result of a consultative and participatory process for ministries, public and private entities, NGOs, academics and those interested in Sustainable Development. This process helped in raising awareness and interest in sustainable development as well as linking it to national development plans.

In response to the commitment of the Kingdom of Bahrain to translate the goals of the Istanbul Declaration and to reflect the progress made in various areas of sustainable urban development over the past two decades, along with the reflection of the challenges experienced and the lessons learned; the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain prepared the “KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN HABITAT III NATIONAL REPORT- HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT” which was presented at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Urban Development (Habitat III) to be held in Quito, Ecuador in 2016, as a complementary of the outputs of the first United Nations Conference on Housing and Urban Development (Habitat I that was held in Vancouver in 1976) and the Second United Nations Conference on Housing and Urban Development (Habitat II that was held in Istanbul in 1996). Moreover, a significant attention has been made during the preparation of this report to ensure the participation of all national stakeholders and development partners in line with the international framework for the preparation of the United Nations Human Settlements Report (Habitat III) that consists of six topics covering 40 areas of urban development, in addition to the seventh topic being the urban indicator.

The National Report on the Millennium Development Goals 2015 has been prepared in a manner that combines providing an overall assessment of progress achieved in the Millennium Development Goals in Bahrain, and Highlight national priorities beyond the global goals and targets.

This report includes a national review of the progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the kingdom of Bahrain during the past ten years. It has been prepared as part of the participation, by the Kingdom, for the UN General Assembly in September 2010 to review and assess the progress made on a global level about the achievement of the goals previously approved in 2000/2001 with the adoption of the "Millennium Declaration" during the Millennium Summit held in September 2000.

The Millennium Development Goals: Progress of Work from 2004-2007 was prepared by the Ministry of Labour & Social Development in coordination with line public institutions, Non-Government organizations (NGOs) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP in Bahrain).

Over the past decades, sustainable urban development matters have been the focus of the Kingdom of Bahrain, as these challenges formed a fertile ground for research and discussion at various levels of decision-making bodies, which resulted in many national initiatives in planning for housing, infrastructure, open spaces, transport and communication, energy consumption, and waste recycling. Not to mention that Bahrain has a rich experience in dealing with the spatial variable by organising places through urban planning and urban development, in line with its international commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, Paris Agreement to tackle climate change, Sendai Framework for risk and disaster reduction, and the New Urban Agenda.

International Reports

The annual reports provide an overview of the world’s implementation efforts to date, highlighting areas of progress and where more action needs to be taken. They are prepared by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, with input from international and regional organizations and the United Nations system of agencies, funds and programmes. Several national statisticians, experts from civil society and academia also contribute to the reports.

This report released on the 28 of June 2024 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 10 of July 2023 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 12 of July 2022 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 6th of July 2021 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 7th of July 2020 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 9th of July 2019 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 20th of June 2018 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 17th of July 2017 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report released on the 19th of July 2016 to present the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Page Last Updated: 12 March, 2025